[Scroll down for our info sheets]

Free assistance
Our service is free of charge if you live on social benefits (Mindestsicherung/Mindestpension or Notstandshilfe) or have an income that otherwise qualifies you as being at risk of poverty.
You are welcome to visit us if these criteria do not apply to you but in this case we appreciate a small donation and ask for your understanding that when making appointments we give preference to people who are poverty-vulnerable.
Visit us if you ...
- have problems to pay your bills for electricity and/or heating
- do not understand the details of your energy bill or the contract with your energy provider
- want to reduce your consumption of energy (electricity, gas or district heating)
- have mould in your flat
- have a very cold or very hot flat
- any other questions regarding your use of energy or water
- have to make phone calls with your energy provider, landlady/landlord, or public authorities regarding your electricity or heating supply
- broken devices or windows

What we cannot or just very rarely do for you
We liaise, where possible, the assistance of other institutions and we do our best to advise you so that situations of emergency do not become worse. However, some assistance is beyond our abilities to help. We can provide financial aid only in rare cases and only to a very limited extent. Usually, this will not be possible! Also, please do not expect that we provide you with new electrical appliances.
Consultation-hour (Energiesprechstunde)

Your first port of call is our “consulation-hour”. Visit us and bring along all documents that you wish to discuss (annual invoices, contracts with providers of electricity or heating energy, etc). We will take our time to talk about your concerns and to look for solutions to problems. If necessary and desired by you, we will make an appointment to see you again at your place and discuss the situation on the spot
The consulation hour is on every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Roseggergasse 33-35/2, 1160 Wien.
Because of the Corona situation, appointments must be agreed on previously by phone or SMS. Please leave a message – we will get back to you as soon as possible!
For appointments in German or English: 0660- 8463 301
For appointments in Arabic: 0660 - 1373 569
For appointments in Farsi: 0660 - 1373 568
Translators for Russian and Somali can usually be organised by us.
Any information you share with us during a consultation is treated with strictl confidentiality. Without your permission, no information is passed on to any government agencies, energy providers or other parties!
Our Handouts
[Need them in another language? Choose one in the top left menu]
Heavy Bills - How to handle them
It can hit like a rock: The energy provider demands a lot of money. Two questions arise instantly: How should I pay for this? And: Can that be true altogether?
Saving energy: The top 10 tips
The costs for gas, district heating and electricity have been rising a lot. Here are the "Top 10" of the most important energy saving tips in short form.
The Thermostatic Valve
Turn it up: warm; turn it down: cold ... A thermostatic valve can do more than that! It is intelligent and switches the radiator on and off automatically ... Have a look at how it works!
The Room Thermostat
The room thermostat is the most important part to operate gas heating systems efficiently. If you want to use your gas heating avoiding a waste of gas, you must know how to set it properly!
Mould - Avoidance and Removal
Mould is unhealthy and it is very important to avoid that it appears in the first place. However, if it is already there, it is important to remove it. This info sheet provides advice what you can do about it.
Airing Correctly
Fresh air is important and needs to be let in also in the winter time. But how long and how often? Tilt oder open widely? Airing correctly saves heating costs and prevents the emergence of mould!
Hot Water
Heating up the water for showering and doing the dishes needs a lot of energy. How does that work with electricity, gas, and district heating? Special case electric boilers: How can/should they be adjusted?
Water and its Billing
e all need - and pay for - fresh water. Because it is a precious commodity, it should be used sparingly. Here you can find out how cold water and wastewater are charged for and what it costs.
Servicing the Gas Heater
Tenants are obliged to have their gas heater serviced regularly. This must not be confused with the checks of the chimney sweeper. Why is the service so important?
Infrared radiant heating
If no gas or district heating is availabel, warming your place with electricity is often the only option. So-called infrared radiant heaters are the best choice (in that case!). What is crucial about them?
Fridges and Freezers
Fridges and freezers run all day and night and use electricity all the time. Therefore it is very important to adjust them correctly and take care of a few other things. Learn here how that is done.
Doing the Washing
Who owns a washing mashine knows how it works. Right? When doing the washing and already when setting it up after delivery, things can easily go wrong. Here's some advice.
Heat protection in summer
Air conditioners need a lot of electricity. There are, however, some helpful tips and tricks how a flat can be cooled at little or no cost and without using these devices.
Insulating Old Windows
Window sealing tape is available from any DIY store but how is it applied correctly? In this handout we show step by step how you can insulate draughty windows yourself.
Saving on the Heating - Some Tips and Tricks for all!
Some lifehacks to save on heating energy apply for any flat regardless its heating system. Here we have compiled some of the most important basic advice.
Changing the supplier?
Many rumours are in the wind regarding whether it makes sense to change the supplier or not („After all you will pay the same regardless which company you choose“, etc.). What is true and whom can you trust? And: Is switching worthwhile altogether?
New appliances - economical and therefore good for environment and climate?
"New appliances are more economical than old ones - and therefore also good for the environment and the climate." You hear this a lot. Unfortunately, it is only partly true.
Who helps with what in Vienna?
Everyone needs some help sometimes...
...and luckily there are many helping hands in Vienna! But who helps with what?